Azura Wave

AZURA – Part of the Hydrogen production solution

When undertaking hydrogen production, the minimum water electrolysis can consume is about 9 kg of water per kg of hydrogen. However, taking into account the process of water de-mineralisation, the ratio can range between 18 kg and 24 kg of water per kg of hydrogen or even up to 25.7-30.2 according to [1].

Will this demand require the use and purification of already sensitive ground water or dam storage supplies?

The solution? Ocean energy powered water supply systems.

These systems will provide permutations to suit the infrastructure requirements to maximise impact and minimise cost.
* Offshore supplied RO water – zero emission high quality water to shore to hydrogen plant
* Offshore supplied high pressure sea water to feed onshore RO plant – negates need for pumping energy to move large volumes of feed water
* Offshore ocean energy 24/7 to underpin other renewable sources to feed hydrogen infrastructure
* Offshore array to supply both feed water and energy to hydrogen plant as a key contributor to the utility supply mix.

AZURA Ocean Technology – Proven, Tested, Robust, Reliable, Renewable, Sustainable

Australian and New Zealand based, developed, built, and owned.


(1)     Wells to wheels: water consumption for transportation fuels in the United States – David J. Lampert, Hao Caia and Amgad Elgowainya

#hydrogenproduction #hydrogenfuture #hydrogensolution #oceanenergy #renewableenergy #futurefuel #watersupply #hydrogen #utilitysolution #energytransition #sustainable #water #infrastructure

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