After more than six weeks at sea, testing of the Azura device off the coast of Oregon concluded successfully. Deployment of the second generation prototype at the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center’s (NNMREC) ocean test site went according to plan, and extensive performance data was collected over a wide range of wave and electrical loading conditions. Data collected during the Oregon deployment are being analyzed to help optimize device performance and inform commercialization of the Azura technology.
With the US Department of Energy’s recent funding award to support long-term, grid-connected testing of the Azura technology in Hawaii, NWEI is shifting gears to prepare for a demonstration project at the US Navy’s Wave Energy Test Site (WETS) in Kaneohe Bay.

OSU’s R/V Alakhah and RIB arriving just after sunrise to support the device removal operation.

ORCA divers Luke Kalstad and Kris Hunter made quick work of attaching the airlines and pinning the float.

Deballasting went according to plan and was completed in approximately 15 minutes.

Grant Snyder at the helm of the tugboat Peggy, safely returned the device to the Toledo Boatyard.