All Systems Go!
On Thursday, we conducted dry testing of the Azura and the Ocean Sentinel to validate the integrated system performance. Led by Ean Amon and Terrie Lettenmaier, the NNMREC technical team assessed the performance of both the operations and safety systems during the testing. After connecting the Azura to the Ocean Sentinel via the umbilical cable, the team conducted basic systems and safety checks to ensure the devices were properly connected and operating.
The Port of Toledo crane was used to actuate the device float (i.e., move it up and down) to simulate the effect of passing waves. As expected, the Azura produced a small amount of voltage, the current was transmitted through the umbilical cable to the Ocean Sentinel, and the power was dissipated in the load bank. With the dry tests successfully completed, we’re one step closer to deployment!
It’s been another busy week with final fittings, systems checks, and launch preparations, but everything continues to come together as planned and we’re on schedule for deployment next week.